Hayat Tayyiba


In Allah’s wisdom, he has made obstacles in life. For the believers, it is only to increase and purify them. Yet anticipating and addressing obstacles before they arise facilitates our journey forward. Overcoming your inertia will require focused intention and a repeated reinforcement of that intention. We have to know a little more about obstacles.

What is an Obstacle?

Obstacles are challenges or barriers that individuals encounter on their journey towards achieving their goals or fulfilling their desires. These hurdles can manifest in various forms, each presenting unique difficulties to overcome. Here are some common types of obstacles along with explanations:

Physical Obstacles: Physical obstacles are tangible barriers that impede progress, such as geographic distance, lack of resources, or physical limitations. For example, a person aiming to climb a mountain may face steep terrain, harsh weather conditions, or inadequate gear as physical obstacles.

Psychological Obstacles: Psychological obstacles are internal barriers rooted in the mind, emotions, or beliefs that hinder progress. These can include fear, self-doubt, limiting beliefs, or negative thought patterns. Overcoming psychological obstacles often requires introspection, self-awareness, and strategies for building resilience and confidence.

Social Obstacles: Social obstacles arise from interactions with others or societal norms that conflict with one’s goals or values. These can include peer pressure, criticism, discrimination, or lack of support from friends or family. Overcoming social obstacles may involve setting boundaries, seeking out supportive communities, or advocating for change.

Financial Obstacles: Financial obstacles stem from limitations in financial resources or economic constraints that prevent individuals from pursuing their goals. Examples include lack of funding for education, debt, or economic instability. Overcoming financial obstacles may require budgeting, seeking financial assistance, or finding alternative sources of income.

Environmental Obstacles: Environmental obstacles are external factors in the surrounding environment that hinder progress, such as natural disasters, political instability, or infrastructure deficiencies. For example, an entrepreneur may face regulatory hurdles or market volatility as environmental obstacles in launching a business. Overcoming environmental obstacles often involves adaptability, strategic planning, and resilience in the face of adversity.

Time Constraints: Time constraints refer to limitations in the amount of time available to dedicate towards achieving a goal. Balancing competing priorities, deadlines, and responsibilities can pose significant obstacles to progress. Overcoming time constraints may require effective time management skills, prioritization, and delegation of tasks.

Skill or Knowledge Gaps: Skill or knowledge gaps occur when individuals lack the necessary expertise or information to overcome challenges effectively. This can include technical skills, educational qualifications, or experience in a particular field. Overcoming skill or knowledge gaps may involve seeking out learning opportunities, mentorship, or professional development.

Navigating obstacles is an inherent part of the journey towards success, and overcoming them often requires resilience, determination, and creative problem-solving. By recognizing the types of obstacles they face and developing strategies to address them, you can navigate challenges more effectively and continue progressing towards your goals.

Journaling Your Obstacles

Now that you have a much better understanding of obstacles, identify your obstacles and some ideas to overcome them. Leverage community support on ideas to overcome obstacles in your life. As you did with motivation, log your obstacles and possible solutions in your journal. 

The biggest thing that gets in the way of our success is the idea that we can’t really improve our health very much. Some people think our health is decided by our genes before we’re even born. But there are lots of negative beliefs and habits that stop us from taking care of ourselves. It’s important to focus on what matters to us and not let those beliefs hold us back.

What Are Your Goals?

Define your specific goals for creating health and happiness. The following questions are meant to get your started, but feel free to write whatever you like. 

My Health Goals

  • Physical: What physical or health problems do I want to heal from and how will I achieve that?
  • Food: What is my relationship to food and how do I want to nourish myself?
  • Exercise: What is my relationship with my body and exercise? How will I change that?
  • Sleep: Do I prioritize quality sleep? What will I do to get enough sleep and recharge my body daily?
  • Weight: How do I feel about my weight? What changes will I make to love my body rather than fight with it? What are my goals?

My Psychological & Social Goals

  • Emotional Health: Am I anxious, depressed, or angry? Am I a glass half-full or half-empty person? What thoughts and beliefs keep me stuck? Are there physical causes of my emotional state (food, stress, nutritional deficiencies, etc.)? What will I do to find out the source of my feelings and be the person I want to be?
  • Relationships: What healing do I have to do in my relationships? What do I have to do to be a better child, partner, parent, friend, coworker, etc.?
  • Work: What is my relationship to my work or duties? How od I want to spend my time, energy, focus, skills, and talents? If I am not happy, what can I do to change how I am in my work or change what I am doing?

Meaning & Purpose

  • Spiritual Goals: What is important to me? What would I like to be my epitaph? What do I have to do to live up to that?

Getting to what’s important now: What are the “someday I hope to” thoughts I have that I can make happen now?

Journaling Your Obstacles

Now that you have a much better understanding of what obstacles are, identify exactly what they are and brainstorm some solutions or ways around them, even if it means changing your perception of whether or not it is an obstacle at all.

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