Hayat Tayyiba

Finding Your Motivation

Your Motivation

Are you ready? Your life is about to change. You have taken the first step of deciding to get healthy. You need now to prepare for action, unwaveringly acting on your decision, and sustaining healthy changes for life. 

But first, you will need to tap into your motivation, the inner burning fuel that will propel you forward and allow you to overcome any obstacle that comes your way. Let’s find out what motivation is in the first place and provide common examples.

What is Motivation?

Motivation is the inner spark that drives individuals to pursue goals and take action. It encompasses both internal desires and external incentives, influencing the intensity and direction of behavior. Understanding motivation is key to unlocking potential, achieving success, and fulfilling personal aspirations.

Motivation can be categorized into various types based on the underlying driving forces and mechanisms that influence behavior. Here are some common categories of motivation:

Intrinsic Motivation: This type of motivation arises from within an individual and is driven by personal satisfaction, enjoyment, or a sense of fulfillment derived from performing a task or engaging in an activity. Examples include pursuing a hobby for the joy it brings, or studying a subject out of genuine interest.

Extrinsic Motivation: In contrast to intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation comes from external factors such as rewards, punishments, or social pressure. People are motivated to engage in activities not necessarily because they enjoy them, but because they seek some external outcome or consequence, such as praise, recognition, or material rewards.

Achievement Motivation: Individuals with a strong achievement motivation are driven by the desire to accomplish goals and attain success. They thrive on challenges, set high standards for themselves, and are often motivated by the sense of accomplishment that comes from overcoming obstacles and achieving their objectives.

Affiliation Motivation: This type of motivation stems from the need for social connection, belongingness, and acceptance. People driven by affiliation motivation seek out relationships, friendships, and social interactions, and they are motivated by the desire to feel connected to others and to establish meaningful bonds.

Power Motivation: Power motivation refers to the desire to influence, control, or have an impact on others or one’s environment. Individuals with high power motivation are driven by the need for authority, leadership, and recognition of their abilities to lead and make a difference in their spheres of influence.

Fear Motivation: Fear motivation arises from the anticipation of negative consequences or the avoidance of punishment. It can drive behaviors aimed at preventing or minimizing threats, dangers, or undesirable outcomes. Fear of failure, rejection, or loss can be powerful motivators in various aspects of life.

Growth Motivation: Growth motivation involves the desire for personal development, self-improvement, and continuous learning. Individuals with strong growth motivation are driven by the pursuit of new skills, knowledge, and experiences that contribute to their overall growth and development as individuals.

Incentive Motivation: Incentive motivation involves the anticipation of rewards or incentives that motivate behavior. This can include tangible rewards such as money, gifts, or prizes, as well as intangible rewards such as recognition, praise, or social approval.

Common Examples of Motivation

The following are some common examples of motivation. Explore which of them resonates with you more. By doing this exercise, you will be able to come back to your motivation throughout your journey.

  • Achievement: Working towards a promotion at work or completing a marathon.
  • Recognition: Receiving praise for a job well done or winning an award.
  • Financial Security: Saving money for retirement or investing in a stable career.
  • Personal Growth: Enrolling in courses to learn new skills or pursuing self-improvement activities.
  • Social Connection: Attending social gatherings or joining clubs to meet new people.
  • Health and Wellness: Exercising regularly or maintaining a balanced diet.
  • Family: Providing for one’s family or making sacrifices for loved ones.
  • Creativity: Engaging in artistic pursuits such as painting or writing.
  • Passion: Pursuing hobbies or interests that bring joy and fulfillment.
  • Independence: Seeking autonomy and freedom in decision-making.
  • Helping Others: Volunteering time or resources to support charitable causes.
  • Curiosity: Exploring new ideas, cultures, or experiences.
  • Competition: Participating in sports or games to test one’s skills.
  • Legacy: Building a lasting impact or leaving behind a meaningful legacy.
  • Altruism: Acting selflessly to benefit others without expecting anything in return.
  • Personal Fulfillment: Setting and achieving personal goals aligned with one’s values and aspirations.
  • Fear: Avoiding potential threats or dangers, such as studying hard to pass an exam or saving money for emergencies.
  • Survival: Meeting basic needs such as food, shelter, and safety.

Journaling Your Motivation

Now that you have a much better understanding of what motivation is, identify exactly what your motivations are by considering some of the following questions. Log them in your health journey journal. 

  • Why am I starting this journey? Why now?
  • What types of motivation resonate with me?
  • How do I envision my life changing once I’ve successfully overcome this chronic condition? (really get into the details)
  • What values or principles do I hold dear that align with taking proactive steps towards improving my health, and how can I reinforce those values in my daily life?
  • Who do I aspire to become once I’ve conquered this challenge, and how can I embody those qualities in my actions and mindset starting today?
  • How can I cultivate a sense of gratitude for the progress I make, no matter how small, and use that gratitude to sustain my motivation during difficult times?
  • What are my deepest desires or aspirations that I believe achieving optimal health will enable me to fulfill, and how can I keep those aspirations front and center in my mind as I progress on this journey?
  • Who or what do I see as my biggest supporters on this journey, and how can I leverage their support to stay motivated?
  • What fears or doubts do I have about embarking on this journey, and how can I address or overcome them to stay focused on my goals?

Remember, your motivation is the “the inner burning fuel that will propel you forward and allow you to overcome any obstacle that comes your way.” So taking 15-30 minutes of introspection and tapping into what motivates you is a great return on investment. May Allah Most High give you and all of us tawfiq (success) and taysir (facilitation) on our health journey to better physical, mental, and spiritual life.

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